About the RAC
Premier Indoor Sports Complex
The Resolute Athletic Complex is a 74,000 SF indoor athletic complex on approximately 4.5 acres of land. The facility offers three (3) 85' x 200' boarded fields on the first floor and a 20,000 SF second floor with concessions, bar, and seating.
The fields were recently renovated with The Matrix® synthetic turf system developed for athletes to experience a safe, and authentic playing experience. The new glass board system offers a full view of the fields providing an attractive, durable, and versatile playing environment. Click here for a video of the new fields and player reviews.
The RAC is climate controlled with air conditioning for more comfortable training sessions and league play in warmer months!
Indoor sports offer a worry-free environment where you don't need to be concerned about cancellations due to weather or field conditions.

Please review the RAC's Code of Conduct and Rules
Inclement Weather
Resolute Athletic Complex Inclement Weather Policy
The Resolute Athletic Complex values the safety of our customers traveling to the facility to participate in a game, team training, or clinic, especially during the winter session when weather conditions can change rapidly. We urge customers to always use their best judgment when traveling to the facility.
The facility will try to remain open during a Level 1 snow emergency for Franklin County. The facility will close if Franklin County is at a Level 2 or 3 snow emergency. Any cancelations will be posted on the RAC's Facebook and Twitter pages. Email notifications will be sent to those subscribed to the RAC email list. Team captains for adult and youth soccer leagues will be notified by email. Please keep in mind that if the RAC is open, some group or team rentals may decide to cancel. Please be sure to check with your team or coach before traveling.
Please review the following snow emergency classifications and the RAC policy for each.
Snow Emergency Classifications
LEVEL 1: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads may also be icy. Motorists are urged to drive very cautiously.
RAC Policy: The RAC will be open under a Level 1 snow emergency classification. The RAC urges customers to use their best judgment to determine if it is safe for them to travel to the facility. If a team or group is canceling due to weather, the RAC will make every effort to reschedule but cannot make any guarantees. There are no refunds for canceling due to the weather.
LEVEL 2: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads may also be very icy. Only those who feel it is necessary to drive should be out on the roads. Motorists should use extreme caution.
RAC Policy: The RAC will temporarily close under a Level 2 snow emergency classification. The RAC will make every effort to reschedule games and events for another date.
LEVEL 3: All roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. No one should be driving during these conditions unless it is absolutely necessary to travel or a personal emergency exists. Those traveling on the roads may subject themselves to arrest.
RAC Policy: The RAC will temporarily close under a Level 3 snow emergency classification. The RAC will make every effort to reschedule games and events for another date.
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Resolute Athletic Complex has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for Resoluteac.com.
Information We Collect
When you submit data to Resolute Athletic Complex, it may be used for providing services, products, and communications. We and our support providers, including, but not limited to, Google, and MailChimp, in the administration of these services may use technologies such as cookies and scripts to analyze trends, administer our website, track users' movements on the website, and gather non-sensitive demographic information about our users. Data collected may include any information which you provide to us through surveys, social media, and other forms.
How We Use Your Personal Data
We do not rent or sell personal information. We may share information we collect with our business partners, advertising companies, and other third parties for the purposes described above and to maintain communications with our customers.
We provide users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by contacting Resolute Athletic Complex at [email protected] or by updating communication preferences through the links at the bottom of each message.
This website allows users to correct or remove their information from our database and not receive future communications or services by sending an email to [email protected]. You may request a copy of your personal data. Your data may be retained by us until you request it be removed.